Real Boston Richey Apologizes To Florida A&M University, Removes ‘Send A Blitz’ Video From YouTube

The Florida A&M football team, the Rattlers, were banned from using the university’s facilities. This was caused by the team letting rapper Real Boston Richey film a music video in their locker room.

“The team facility, weight room and access to the stadium field were off-limits to all players until he and the administration could sort out who was involved in the video shoot,” Florida A&M football Coach Willie Simmons explained to The Associated Press.

The Boston rapper has come forward to apologize on behalf of the football team. Adding to his apology, he has removed the music video from his YouTube account. Richey posted on Instagram, sharing his apology.

“Out of respect for FAMU, the video for video ‘Send A Blitz’ is no longer available. I have a long-standing amicable relationship with the FAMU community and its athletic teams, and I hope to continue to build with them,”

“This video was not meant to be disrespectful in any way but to highlight my love for the school and its team.” He added.

The Athletic Director, Tiffani Dawn-Sykes, reported that the suspension was removed on July 24, 2023. Meanwhile, Coach Simmons confirmed that the recording of ‘Send A Blitz’ did not violate the NCAA rules and regulations.

On July 26, 2023, Coach Simmons spoke on the investigation of the video.

“We can’t talk much about the details because we’re doing an internal investigation within the university. The decision by AD Sykes and I to suspend operations was to get out in front of things and really get our team back together.”

“We met Monday morning as a team, and we’re all on the same page. That situation won’t have any lasting impact on our season, in my opinion.” Coach Willie Simmons concluded.

Even though Real Boston Richey has shown remorse by deleting the said video, he still has a clip of the video pinned on his Instagram account. Specifically, the part in the locker room with some of the Florida A&M team members.