On Sunday, Doja Cat posted a selfie to her Instagram and Twitter accounts, leaving plenty of people bewildered. The image focuses on the rapper’s forehead, riddled with acne bumps. The accompanying caption read “thirst trap,” followed by a kissing face emoji.
The startling picture led to plenty of reactions on social media.
“When momma bird comes back with a fresh fish to regurgitate to feed you,” actor and rapper Page Kennedy commented on the Instagram post.
“Mr. Burns from the Simpson called 😂,” another user said.
While she did garner some support for showing common skin issues despite her status as a sex symbol, others expressed concerns for her well-being.
“Doja Blink twice if u want us to send for help,” one person said in the comments.
The “Attention” rapper has habitually shocked her fans with her appearance. Last summer, she shaved her eyebrows to accompany her fresh buzzcut. In February, she received her first tattoo and expanded her body art collection to her back, hands, biceps, forearms and wrists. In March, she also had several cosmetic surgeries, including breast augmentation and liposuction, XXL reported.
Doja Cat is scheduled to release her fourth studio album, tentatively titled First of All, later this year.