50 Cent Likes Post Of Donald Trump Saying He Will Make Gender Change Illegal

In recent pop culture news, 50 Cent liked an Instagram post by thebeastarc, of Donald Trump stating that he will make Gender Change illegal for minors. He starts by saying “The left wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse,” 

He continued by stating his plan if elected President, “to stop the chemical physical and emotional mutilation of our youth.” Trump then went on to say that he will revoke Joe Biden’s policies on so-called gender affirming care. 

These words are extremely bold in today’s generation, where celebrity children are transitioning underage. 50 is in agreement with what Trump says in regards to the gender change of minors. 

Dwayne Wade, a celebrity parent whose child, Zaya Wade is transgender. The family has fought with peers and Zaya’s biological mother about her transition at the age of 12. They left Florida due to their child feeling unsafe with her identity.

By the liked post, it seems as though 50 Cent is against the transitioning of children. 50 is not afraid of going against the grain and receiving backlash over his many outlandish quotes. But this begs the question of what will happen to gender affirming care?

Will the minors who have undergone the full process not have help or aid in the future? During Pride Month there were riots in the streets of the LGBTQ+ members singing “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

This did not go over well in the social media atmosphere, even though activists say the quote was taken out of context. Some are preaching for gender sex-ed to be taught in schools across the country. This is something Donald Trump wants to stop if elected for his second term. 

50 endorsed Trump in his 2020 election and seems to be on his team this time around.